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Zero Point Field Energy, or I believe more accurately stated, Zero Point Field Resonance, has its origin somewhere between ancient natural therapeutic wisdom and futuristic technology.
I am not a scientist and do not pretend to understand all aspects of this subject matter. However, it is my desire to give the reader a glimpse of the wonderful advantages and life-changing possibilities that reside in the action of allowing our bodies to be reminded of the disease-free state they were in once upon a time.
Albert Einstein actually discovered Zero Point Field Energy back around 1913. What exactly is it though.. and why is it so relevant today?
When we look at an object under the powerful lens of a microscope, say a part of your body or the tile floor or counter, almost anything, as you delve down deep into the structure of the object, the electrons, protons, and neutrons appear to be similar. Continuing even deeper, we find the sub-atomic range. But between these sub-atomic particles is what is known as Zero Point Field Energy.
In the interest of space allotted for this article, I will not attempt to get any more technical than the above paragraph. Suffice it to say that when this Zero Point Energy or Resonance is directed at an object such as a plant, water, wine, a dog, our bodies, etc., incredible results begin to occur in the recipient object. Results that I dare say, if I were to describe in detail here, would not be believable to 90% of the readers.
Incredible results are recently surfacing as stories are being told of so-called “miraculous healings”. People who have old injuries or are suffering from lengthy diseases are reportedly finding their maladies have disappeared… sometimes within minutes of being ‘wanded’.
It is, however, extremely important to note that this Zero Point Field Energy or whatever device conveys it into an object or a person is not the source of whatever healing might occur. Whether this energy is delivered from a pendant, a wand-type instrument, or any other vehicle, clearly it is not any type of voodoo, magic, mind control or any other such nonsense. It is not the object of delivery that brings such astounding results, oftentimes instantaneously. Instead, as alluded to above, it is simply a vehicle allowing the cells in our bodies that are experiencing pain to be reminded that they should go back to their ‘Source’, or back to when they were in a near-homeostasis condition, i.e., a natural condition prior to pain and disease.
It appears, at this writing, that the most intensive, concentrated manner in which to apply Zero Point Field Energy is through a device shaped like an ink pen referred to as a ‘wand.’ This stainless steel wand is directed at an object (or a person) and rotated in a clockwise motion with emphasis on the area in which one is desiring to see a positive effect. In doing so, if aimed toward a person, this energy instantly reminds the natural healing properties of the body to go back to source or back to their condition prior to pain and/or disease.
Various tests have been undertaken in order to get even more undeniable proof of what Zero Point Field Energy is capable of affecting. One such test involves slicing a lemon into four pieces. Two pieces of the lemon are wanded for approximately thirty seconds. Those two slices are then given to volunteers for a taste test. The lemon, in virtually each experience tastes sweet and delicious.
Then the other two slices which had not been wanded are given to the same person. Each time, the participant is astonished at the sour taste of the unwanded, pesticide-laced pieces of the lemon, many times to the point of needing to spit it out. Other experiments have shown cheap wine transformed into what appears to be very expensive wine after being wanded. Those fortunate enough to have a wand are wanding virtually everything they eat and drink as well as themselves and those around them who request a wanding.
There are new testimonials coming in literally on a daily basis as to the wonders of properly applied Zero Point Field Energy. People speak of pains from all areas of their bodies that have completely disappeared. Pains such as chronic migraines, knee, neck, and back pains to name just a very few. Some are reporting astonishing changes in their animals as well. Reports of bedridden dogs with e-coli and other debilitating diseases and sicknesses that, after being wanded with Zero Point Field Energy, are running and jumping with new life within minutes. They too are not being revived by any sort of magic wand. Their bodies are simply being reminded of their condition prior to the sickness or disease. Then the God-given healing power of the body has its necessary tool to get to work.
I have just discussed only the tip of the iceberg here. But I hope you have received at least a glimmer of why Mr. Einstein’s discovery of long ago is so relevant today. Through modern technology, Zero Point Energy is affecting people in very positive ways with absolutely zero side effects simply by reminding the body what it is capable of doing.
Almost everyone who hears of, and definitely those who see what is taking place with Zero Point Field Resonance, especially via this pen-like wand, is simply blown away. It truly is a mind-staggering concept to wrap your brain around. Archived conference calls containing a wealth of additional information as well as testimonials can be heard at GetOnTheCalls.com.
You may contact me at the email address below and I will be happy to assist you with further information or in any way I can.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/general-health-articles/zero-point-energy-wand-sparks-healing-power-body-wand-world-45941.html
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Contact me for Zero Point Energy products & the authentic Amega Wand. Major Business Opportunity here. Share with loved ones… A blessing for all. Join this Self-Care Revolution. Wm A DeSimone… Email me: WealthAttainmentNow@yahoo.com … Website: WandTheWorld.net Author: William DeSimone