
Zero Point Energy Wand Sparks Healing Power Of Body Wand The World!

Zero Point Field Energy, or I believe more accurately stated, Zero Point Field Resonance, has its origin somewhere between ancient natural therapeutic wisdom and futuristic technology.

I am not a scientist and do not pretend to understand all aspects of this subject matter. However, it is my desire to give the reader a glimpse of the wonderful advantages and life-changing possibilities that reside in the action of allowing our bodies to be reminded of the disease-free state they were in once upon a time.

Albert Einstein actually discovered Zero Point Field Energy back around 1913. What exactly is it though.. and why is it so relevant today?

When we look at an object under the powerful lens of a microscope, say a part of your body or the tile floor or counter, almost anything, as you delve down deep into the structure of the object, the electrons, protons, and neutrons appear to be similar. Continuing even deeper, we find the sub-atomic range. But between these sub-atomic particles is what is known as Zero Point Field Energy.

In the interest of space allotted for this article, I will not attempt to get any more technical than the above paragraph. Suffice it to say that when this Zero Point Energy or Resonance is directed at an object such as a plant, water, wine, a dog, our bodies, etc., incredible results begin to occur in the recipient object. Results that I dare say, if I were to describe in detail here, would not be believable to 90% of the readers.


Incredible results are recently surfacing as stories are being told of so-called “miraculous healings”. People who have old injuries or are suffering from lengthy diseases are reportedly finding their maladies have disappeared… sometimes within minutes of being ‘wanded’.

It is, however, extremely important to note that this Zero Point Field Energy or whatever device conveys it into an object or a person is not the source of whatever healing might occur. Whether this energy is delivered from a pendant, a wand-type instrument, or any other vehicle, clearly it is not any type of voodoo, magic, mind control or any other such nonsense. It is not the object of delivery that brings such astounding results, oftentimes instantaneously. Instead, as alluded to above, it is simply a vehicle allowing the cells in our bodies that are experiencing pain to be reminded that they should go back to their ‘Source’, or back to when they were in a near-homeostasis condition, i.e., a natural condition prior to pain and disease.

It appears, at this writing, that the most intensive, concentrated manner in which to apply Zero Point Field Energy is through a device shaped like an ink pen referred to as a ‘wand.’ This stainless steel wand is directed at an object (or a person) and rotated in a clockwise motion with emphasis on the area in which one is desiring to see a positive effect. In doing so, if aimed toward a person, this energy instantly reminds the natural healing properties of the body to go back to source or back to their condition prior to pain and/or disease.

Various tests have been undertaken in order to get even more undeniable proof of what Zero Point Field Energy is capable of affecting. One such test involves slicing a lemon into four pieces. Two pieces of the lemon are wanded for approximately thirty seconds. Those two slices are then given to volunteers for a taste test. The lemon, in virtually each experience tastes sweet and delicious.

Then the other two slices which had not been wanded are given to the same person. Each time, the participant is astonished at the sour taste of the unwanded, pesticide-laced pieces of the lemon, many times to the point of needing to spit it out. Other experiments have shown cheap wine transformed into what appears to be very expensive wine after being wanded. Those fortunate enough to have a wand are wanding virtually everything they eat and drink as well as themselves and those around them who request a wanding.

There are new testimonials coming in literally on a daily basis as to the wonders of properly applied Zero Point Field Energy. People speak of pains from all areas of their bodies that have completely disappeared. Pains such as chronic migraines, knee, neck, and back pains to name just a very few. Some are reporting astonishing changes in their animals as well. Reports of bedridden dogs with e-coli and other debilitating diseases and sicknesses that, after being wanded with Zero Point Field Energy, are running and jumping with new life within minutes. They too are not being revived by any sort of magic wand. Their bodies are simply being reminded of their condition prior to the sickness or disease. Then the God-given healing power of the body has its necessary tool to get to work.

I have just discussed only the tip of the iceberg here. But I hope you have received at least a glimmer of why Mr. Einstein’s discovery of long ago is so relevant today. Through modern technology, Zero Point Energy is affecting people in very positive ways with absolutely zero side effects simply by reminding the body what it is capable of doing.

Almost everyone who hears of, and definitely those who see what is taking place with Zero Point Field Resonance, especially via this pen-like wand, is simply blown away. It truly is a mind-staggering concept to wrap your brain around. Archived conference calls containing a wealth of additional information as well as testimonials can be heard at

You may contact me at the email address below and I will be happy to assist you with further information or in any way I can.

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Contact me for Zero Point Energy products & the authentic Amega Wand. Major Business Opportunity here. Share with loved ones… A blessing for all. Join this Self-Care Revolution. Wm A DeSimone… Email me: … Website: Author: William DeSimone

Forex Trading

How To Incorporate 3 D Modeling Into Developing Black Box Forex Trading Systems

How To Incorporate 3D Modeling Into Developing Black Box Forex Trading Systems


Richard Banks

Developing algorithmic trading systems can be a very profitable business strategy for those entrepreneurs who have a talent for programming and who are willing to take the time to test their trading strategies to the extent that they are confident that it will deliver results in the marketplace. Black box forex trading or algorithmic forex trading is a rapidly growing financial industry with more people and traders taking their trading strategies and programming them into software programs for automated trading, and one of the newest tools that comes with this type of forex trading platform is the ability to test your system using 3D modeling.

The most popular brand of forex trading software that has set the industry standard for automated trading systems is called Metatrader, and the newest release of Metatrader 5 comes equipped with a more robust programming language and new tools including a 3D modeling application that allows you to view and model the data from your trading system on a 3-dimensional grid. This new release of the software can allow financial programmers and traders who create and test their own trading systems to view their data and results from their trading system in a new way that can ultimately increase the accuracy and profitability of their trading system.


The first step when it comes to incorporating 3D modeling into developing an algorithmic trading system is that you need to have a trading system based on technical analysis, so you must already understand the technical indicators and have an idea for a trading system that you can use. It is also important to be familiar with the newest version of Metatrader and be able to write code in their proprietary programming language called MQL5, which differs from its predecessor language because it is more robust and object oriented.

If you have become familiar with the more commonly used version of the software which is Metatrader 4 then you should notice that there are many similarities to the interface, but the 3D modeling feature is what sets the new software apart when it comes to backtesting your algorithmic trading systems and seeing the data in a new dimension. Once you have programmed your automated trading system and rendered it into a usable file called an Expert Advisor which you can activate on your price chart, you can backtest the system and then bring up the results using the 3D modeling feature. By learning about this new aspect of creating algorithmic forex trading systems you can test your trading strategy using more robust tools in order to increase efficiency.

Algorithmic forex trading

is one of the opportunites today that can allow retail traders working from home to have access to institutional level trading tools when trading the

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Weight Loss Surgery

Prom Dresses Choosing The Most Flattering Style For Your Figure

By Adriana J. Noton

When picking a dress, blouse or other item, the factors that are considered are its color, size, its design and perhaps whether or not it is in vogue. The neckline is hardly given any thought yet it can go a long way to ensuring that you are choosing the most flattering style for your body shape and also the shape of your face.

Square – This neck resembles the lower part of a square. It flatters large busts because the straight lines take away from the roundness of a heavy bust. This effect is achieved without showing too much. It is ideal for the majority of figures but is best avoided by those with jaws that are angled and heavy which gives a square face shape. It would emphasize the angular lines even more.

Halter top – For those with a trim upper half, this style will bring out their nicely shaped, trim shoulders. People who carry extra weight around their hips also carry off this style well because it keeps the eye up rather below. It does not look very on very slender people as they look bony.

Jewel – A jewel neckline is a gem for small women because it accentuates the bust. It line follows that of the neck. It is also called a T-shirt neckline because it does resemble a t-shirt. It is circular and it touches the bottom of the neck.


V-Neck – Those blessed with an hourglass figure can play it up with this neckline. Those who are not can create an illusion of it with it. It particularly benefits large busts because the lines that narrow downwards have the effect of creating a seemingly narrow or slender outline. If the V extends further down, it forms a plunging V-neck.

Scoop – The neckline is so called because it scoops down on the bodice in a U shape. It flatters those with a heavier lower bottom as it concentrates interest upwards on the trim, upper half. It does agree with the majority of figures.

Strapless – For those with toned arms and shoulders carry off this neckline perfectly. It does not flatter those who are very slim or very big. Very large busts can appear to sag and a small bust will be emphasized as being so.

Sweetheart – It derives its name from its shape which is akin to the upper half of a heart while the bottom forms a kind of square with gentle curves. It favors most figures as it accentuates cleavage.

Cowl – This neck has fabric hanging loose at the front. It is perhaps the best option for small busts because the fabric fills up the area. Large busts only look even bigger with such a neckline.

Keyhole – This is a cutout that may be tear or diamond shaped or circular. It can be at the back or front. It is a good way to take attention from a heavy lower half or a boyish figure that has no curves. Wearing an interesting necklace with a pendant that falls within the cutout makes it even more captivating.

About the Author: To buy

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Modelling Agency

Choosing A Deductible For Home Insurance In Harrisburg Pa

byAlma Abell

Many consumers wonder what the deductible should be when buying Home Insurance Harrisburg PA from Strock Insurance Agency. The cost of homeowners insurance will depend on the deductible chosen. Consumers will have to weigh the pros and cons of choosing a lower or higher deductible. In general, most consumers will benefit from selecting a higher deductible. However, each consumer will have to make his or her own decision on what deductible to choose.

With a lower the deductible on Home Insurance Harrisburg PA, it will be easier for the consumer to file a claim. For example, a $1,500 claim for theft from a home will be covered if there is a $500 deductible. The insurance company will pay the consumer $1,000 in the claim. On the other hand, the premium for a lower deductible policy will be higher. Furthermore, the insurer may decline to renew the policy due to past claims history. Other insurers may choose to decline offering a homeowners insurance policy due to past claims history. That is why it often does not make sense to choose a low deductible for homeowners insurance. However, the deductible chosen should not exceed the maximum that is acceptable to lenders holding mortgages on the subject property.

If the consumer chooses a higher deductible, the premium will be lower. This will make it harder to file a claim when the loss or other damage is of low value. On the other hand, the consumer will not end up with a claims history due to low value claims. In essence, the consumer is using the money saved with lower premiums to self-fund smaller losses. That is why most consumers will be better off choosing a higher deductible when purchasing homeowners insurance.

When shopping for homeowners insurance, it is a good idea to shop multiple companies to get the lowest price possible. At the same time, it is a good idea to get prices at various deductible amounts. The consumer should choose the highest deductible that he or she can afford when there is a loss. That will result in the lowest premium while maintaining a deductible that is affordable for smaller losses.

Forex Trading

Instant Fx Profits – How Is It Different From Most Online Forex Trading Courses

I have a few criteria for you to choose a good forex trading course. This is what I have suggested to my friends as well who wants to become a forex trader.Instant FX Profits is one of the latest complete forex trading courses that have caught my attention. It has met all my criteria upon my close examination.Let us look at the few key points that I have noticed about Instant FX Profits. Note that I cannot cover every single thing here so you can get more information on my links below.I will just cover 4 main components on why Instant FX Profits is one of the most proven complete online forex trading course.1. Covers Everything About Forex TradingOne look at the modules inside Instant FX Profits, you could see that it has covered everything you ever need on forex trading. I like the fact that this online course is a result of what Kishore has gathered over the past 8 years teaching forex trading. The course covers the basics of forex trading, the basic and advanced strategies, studying economics as fundamental analysis and other important aspects of profitable trading. The objective is to convert any aspiring traders to become an expert trader.There are also 5 bonuses which will further accelerate any trader’s learning curve.2. Modify and Improve through 8 years of teachingWhat impresses me most is that Instant FX Profits has gone through many years of improvement. This is unlike most online forex trading courses which are very new. At least you know that you are on safe hands else Kishore would have close shop after 8 years of teaching.3. 100,000 Students Across 10 NationsNothing speaks louder with good testimonials from the previous customers. Kishore has a track record of teaching this system to over 100,000 students. You can be sure that this system is good enough to recruit so many students. The ongoing testimonials regarding his trading system have been good too.4. You Know Who You are Dealing With.The problem with buying things on the internet is that you don’t know who you are dealing with. Any people can set up a store and sell you something that doesn’t meet any quality guidelines. You will not have this problem with Instant FX Profits. The trainer, Kishore has been teaching live forex trading courses in Singapore. He has a well-established company who deals with all types of financial education. So you know you are dealing with someone who is here for long term.


Common Promotional Gift Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Submitted by: Justin Bregar

While it may seem easy to give out promotional gifts to your clients, there is much more involved in the process than picking an item and sending it out to potential and existing customers. By making some of the following common mistakes, you may end up spending more than you wanted to or completely failing to see any increase in new or existing business. Here are the mistakes you need to avoid as well as tips that you can use to do so.

Missing an opportunity to use promotional gifts

Many companies miss great opportunities to hand out promotional gifts. They may think that they can only hand them out at specific times of the year or may be saving them for upcoming trade shows or conventions. While it can be a great opportunity to hand out gifts at these times of the year, there are other times that the use of promotional gifts can really help to increase a company s visibility or profile.


One of the best times to use promotional gifts is when you are introducing a new product or service. By handing out gifts that are related to your company or to the new product or service you can build anticipation for that product s launch or create a lasting impression connected to that product in the minds of your customers.

Choosing the wrong items to hand out

There are many companies that choose the wrong items for their campaigns. They may pick items that are not trendy or classic because they are not willing to spend time browsing websites. They may also pick an item that is appealing simply because of its cost. Choosing cheap items or poor-quality items may actually create a negative impression.

If it is an impractical item there is a good chance that it will not get used. There have been many cases where people have simply placed promotional items up on a shelf or in a closet and have simply allowed them to gather dust. This can be a huge problem since an item that is sitting on a shelf will do nothing to promote your company.

Failing to proofread or double check personalized areas

Most promotional gifts will have a personalized area. That area may be printed with a logo, your company s contact information or its name. There have been many cases in the past that someone typed out information and did so incorrectly. You want to check key areas such as the company name, the phone number, and any web address that also appears. The last thing you want is for your customers to be unable to contact you after they have received your promotional gift item.

By avoiding the mistakes listed above you can take important steps to ensure that you avoid making the same mistake that many others have. You can feel confident that you are making the right choices for your company and that your promotional gift campaign will go a long way towards increasing your business in the way you hope it will.

About the Author: Justin Bregar is a freelance author who writes on various topics related to Promotional Merchandise, to find out more about him visit his website here


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Looking For Experts In Air Conditioning Service


During summer months, all of us love to stay in the comfort of our home, with our air conditioner (AC) maintaining a suitable temperature indoors. You cannot sleep well at night, thanks to the excessive humidity in your rooms. However, this can be fixed easily by installing an AC. Installation of air conditioning systems demands special skills. Hiring professionals in air conditioning service, will definitely serve your purpose. These skilled technicians are masters when it comes to installation or maintenance of your heating and cooling systems.

Here are some steps which you must follow to find reputed professionals providing air conditioning services, at affordable rates, of course:

1.Browsing the Web will help you find leading companies offering air conditioning services at reasonable rates. Visit online directories and select a few companies which can provide quality services whenever they are contacted.

2.Shortlist names of AC repair companies and start contacting them, either by visiting their offices or via telephone. However, to know more about these companies, you need to visit their websites, go through a few client testimonials, and so on. This will help you select a company which provides a wide variety of air conditioning services.

3.You can also check whether your chosen service providers employ trained and qualified professionals. Expert technicians will never give their clients an opportunity to complain.

4.After narrowing your list, compare the rates charged by each of your selected companies. Contact the organization which charges the least.

5.Ask the professionals about their previous projects. This will help you know about the type of work they do and how long they take to complete one assignment.

6.Recommendations are also an essential factor in evaluating a company’s performance. You must use your social connections to the fullest, asking for references from your close acquaintances. This way, it will be a lot easier for you to make a choice.The best part of hiring skilled mechanics is that they are licensed and know how to use latest machineries to look after your ACs. While searching for companies providing air conditioning services, Largo, FL, residents must contact those enterprises which offer certain free services such as annual maintenance and free-of-cost repairing of your air conditioner. Moreover, when hiring air conditioning professionals, you must ensure your chosen technicians are fully insured. This is crucial. This will help you stay away from any problem, in case there’s an accident.

Hydraulic Equipment

What Are The Production Lines For Oil Casing Pipes?

The main process ofcasing pipeproduction line mainly consists of: descaling machine, flaw detector, pipe threading machine, screwing machine, hydraulic press, diameter machine, steel pipe high pressure fog spray paint machine, automatic length measuring, spray marking, packing equipment.

1. Descaling machine: divided into two methods: steel brush rust removal and shot blasting, the main function is to treat the surface oxide scale of the raw material pipe;

2. Flaw Detector: It is divided into two common methods: eddy current testing and ultrasonic testing. The main function is to detect the pipe material and check whether the pipe meets the production requirements.

3. Pipe threading machine: Pipe thread CNC lathe is mainly responsible for the processing of pipe thread. Common buckle types are: short round buckle and long round buckle and special buckle;

4. Screwing machine: It is divided into two types: the planetary clamping type and the inner curved surface clamping. The main purpose is to tighten the coupling after the pipe thread processing to protect the thread;

5. Hydraulic press: It is mainly to carry out water pressure test on the pipe body to check whether the steel pipe meets the production requirements;

6. Path machine: mainly to check whether the inside of the steel pipe is smooth;

7. Steel pipe high pressure fog spray paint machine: mainly after the pipe is finished, prevent the pipe from rusting in the outdoor and transportation process, and carry out automatic anti-corrosion spraying on the surface of the professional equipment;

8. Steel pipe length measurement: The main purpose is to automatically measure the pipe number, furnace batch number, length, weight and other data, and then print the content onto the pipe surface to facilitate the use of the unit for identification;

9. Marking machine: professional equipment for printing the pipe body mark;10. Packing: Bundling and discharging the finished pipe.

Ropes And Cords

Find The Best Contractor Of Aluminum Railings In Vancouver}

Submitted by: James1 Curtis

Contractors are professionals and knowledgeable enough about proper installation and regular maintenance of different types of aluminum materials. These contractors can replace old aluminum patio covers, or repair areas of damage on existing aluminum, vinyl, fiberglass, wood, or even siding. Below are steps that can help you to hire the perfect contractor that will suit your needs and budget:

Search your local area. It is most likely that you will find an aluminum installer in your area. Most of them are listed on the telephone directory. If you got Yellow Pages, then start hunting from there.

Ask around. You can find a reliable contractor around your area by talking to your friends, colleagues, family members and neighbours. They would definitely give you a good recommendation and a reliable list you can contact and make an arrangement. If you live in Richmond, maybe you can look for contractors who offer installing of awnings in Richmond.

Visit a hardware store in your local area. You can also look for reliable contractors from your local home renovation center. They have a list of contractors who frequently buy some materials from them.

Go to your favourite search engine. Look for contractors that offer the things you need like installation of aluminum deck railing or aluminum patio cover. Internet has a lot to offer. You just have to be keen on choosing the best.


Explain your needs to the contractor when you invited each one of them. Inviting them to your house will help these contractors to assess your home and recommend methods to resolve your needs. If you need deck patio covers, then these contractors will explain the details.

Ask for free estimate. This estimate is a detailed quote that will represent the work needed for your home.

Ask for the warranties and guarantees. Inquire to the contractors if they offer warranty and guarantee on the work they will provide.

Check the portfolio. Ensure that the contractor has worked on projects similar to yours and using the same materials.

Professional appearance is important. Take a look at the appearance; professional look is important. Study the contractor’s attitude and behaviour. He should be willing to accommodate questions.

References are important. Your contractors should provide references. In this way, you will have to confirm if this particular contractor has done some works related to your project. You call the previous client to ask how their working experience with this contractor was.

Discuss the project details. You should talk to the contractor and review the requirements for the said project. You can discuss things like removal of old materials, potential problems during the project, additional charges and time frame for the project completion. Also, ask the contractor if he there are permits that need to be obtained.

Choose the contractor who meets your needs and budget. Make that your chosen contractor will fit your budget and attend to your needs.

Get a written and signed contract. It should contain the labour charges, costs of materials, added charges, time frame of the project and other concerns

Read some client testimonials from different websites like Yelp.

Good luck on your contractor hunt!

About the Author: For more information, please click these links: aluminum deck railing, deck patio covers, and aluminum patio cover, or you can visit


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Food For Healthy Life

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A balanced vegetarian diet is the best diet. Any person should always plan his diet for his well being. Always the best and the healthy food should be consumed to maintain a good health. An imbalanced diet can lead to obesity and overweight where it is associated with health risk. Healthy diet means the food which contains appropriate amount of nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins etc., which are essential to the body and for normal functioning. A low calorie vegetarian diet will always keep you fit and fine, and free from many diseases. A Very Low calorie food is nothing but the diet which consists of very less amount of nutrients and does not sufficiently supply the body with energy required which is different from low calorie diet. Vegetarian soups are also one of the important part of the healthy diet, which keeps away from many diseases and also cures certain ailments. It also helps in decreasing the weight. These soups are easy to prepare and requires less time. These are can the best Vegetarian Foods For Kids as it supplies them with all the nutrients essential for them. Vegetarian food is been considered to be high fiber, low cholesterol and low fatty diet, which is best for kids. A restrictive and a planned vegetarian diet in children is very necessary, if not it may cause health problems and certain nutritional deficiencies / malnutrition, which is considered to be one of the most dreadful problem in Indian children. Due to the growing age certain nutrients like calcium, vit D, protein, iron, iodine, calories etc., are very essential in their daily diet. It is also said that the Best Vegetarian Diet will keep you from negative thoughts and makes you to think good as well as increases the memory power. It also helps in slow digestion and better absorption of the food items, which helps in increasing the appetite. Water is also considered as the most important nutrient, which re hydrates the lost nutrients in the body and is very essential as it flushes out all the poisonous elements from the body through urine. Why is vegetarian considered to be healthy? These are the foods which are derived from plants. These plants absorb all the essential nutrients from the soil, via roots and leaves while carbohydrates is been obtained from the carbon dioxide. Hence, these nutrients are directly absorbed by the nature.