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Mens Fashion Looks: Three Looks All Men Must Acquire}

Submitted by: Alain Picard

When it comes to men’s fashion, men have it easy. These days, there are generally three types of looks that a guy is going to need to know how to pull off. The threesome of fashion looks include daytime, casual, and the ‘hot night out.’ All of these looks can be had by any regular guy, as long as they keep in mind a few easy pointers.

Time to make it work at work: The suit.

No one can deny the importance and appeal of a good fitting suit. Professional, put together, and one of the key staples to just about any man’s wardrobe, the suit is a classic mainstay of fashion. One of the keys to wearing that suit is to make sure that it fits like it is supposed to. That is not likely to happen by grabbing it off of the hanger at the store, taking it home in the bag, and throwing it on at 7 am before you jump in the carpool on the way to the office. One word here men, tailor. If it seems like an unneeded expense, think again. With a classic cut, and tailored styling, that suit can take a guy all the way to the top.


Kicking it and relaxed casual: The jeans.

When the times comes to enjoy the weekend, one look that looks hot all year round is a good pair of jeans. The way a man wears his jeans can say a lot about him as well. Not to tight, and not hanging so low as to trip him as he walks is a good way to begin finding the right fit. Also, please avoid the plumber look, Im sure you understand. And while finding the right pair of jeans can be just like finding the perfect woman, be prepared that someday it will end. While the worn look may be in, gaping holes are not. When it is time for them to go, you just have to let them go and head on over to the store to purchase a brand new pair!

Styling and profiling at the club: The bling.

Though there are plenty of guys out there trying to keep up with what they see in music videos and on the stars in Hollywood, be careful of the bling. When attempting to pull off the hot look with a new date, a guy shouldn’t be outshining her. But without enough sparkle, he may just fade away. A good rule of thumb is to keep it simple, and low key. A nice set of cufflinks, a small silver buckle on the belt, or a half-carrot on the ear are all ways that a guy can add a bit of taste to his look without outshining the stars. Next time you go out, ask yourself: Do I really need to look like Flava Flave? Chances are that you dont and that your date will disapprove. Leave out the clocks, leave out the grills and leave out the big rocks.

About the Author: M. Cayelli Expert in mens fashion consulting Passioned about



silver cufflinks


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Eurovision ’04 winner Ruslana discusses her paths as singer, spokesmodel, stateswoman and source of inspiration

Monday, March 30, 2009

First becoming famous in her native Ukraine in the 1990s, long-haired self-described “AmazonRuslana gained international recognition for winning the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest with her song “Wild Dances,” inspired by the musical traditions of the Hutsul people of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains.

In the five years since, Ruslana has decided to use her name and public status to represent a number of worthy causes, including human trafficking, renewable energy, and even the basic concept of democratic process, becoming a public face of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution and later serving in Parliament.

Currently, she is on an international publicity tour to promote her album Wild Energy, a project borne out of a science fiction novel that has come to symbolize her hopes for a newer, better, freer way of life for everyone in the world. She took time to respond to questions Wikinews’s Mike Halterman posed to her about her career in music and her other endeavors.

This is the fifth in a series of interviews with past Eurovision contestants, which will be published sporadically in the lead-up to mid-May’s next contest in Moscow.

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Journalist forbidden to leave Belarus

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Polish-Belarusian journalist accused of defaming Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has been banned from leaving Belarus due to a suspended court sentence given to him earlier this year.

The Polish activist and journalist Andrzej Poczobut was convicted in July for alleged defamation in the Polish Press, and sentenced to three years, suspended.

Informed of the travel ban by the Belarusian Interior Ministry, he said he intends to continue reporting from within Belarus.

Police told the Gazeta Wyborcza journalist to report to police three times each month and not to travel, after inspecting and registering him. After three violations of the conditions, he would be jailed.

He had recently travelled to and from Warsaw just before the order came, because he anticipated some travel restrictions.

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Explosions hit waterfront in New Orleans, Louisiana

Friday, September 2, 2005

Fires are raging in New Orleans following a series of explosions along the waterfront. The cause of the blasts is not known. A chemical reaction with the rising waters is one possibility. One official has stated that the explosions took place at a chemical storage facility near the riverfront a few miles south of the French Quarter.

This news comes as police suspended search-and-rescue operations in order to attempt to halt the rising levels of looting in the city, and after Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco ordered National Guard troops to “shoot and kill” rioters and looters. [1]

Although aid has been promised by the US federal authorities, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin criticised them for what he feels is a slow response.

“They don’t have a clue what’s going on down there,” Mayor Ray Nagin told WWL-AM Thursday night.

“They flew down here one time two days after the doggone event was over with TV cameras, AP reporters, all kind of goddamn — excuse my French, everybody in America, but I am pissed.”

Retrieved from “,_Louisiana&oldid=435440”

Extra Cash Can Be Easily Obtained By Selling Gold Jewelry

Extra cash can be easily obtained by selling gold jewelry



The economy of the world is going through a situation of great turmoil. The people don’t have enough money in their hand. Some of the people are living in such a dreadful condition that they are unable to even meet their basic requirements. People are highly worried about the recession that has engulfed the whole world. Many economical experts have forecasted that the situation won’t remain the same forever. But the bite of recession is being tasted by many families living in various parts of the world these days also.

Even the people are having their jobs they find it very hard to pay their bills off. In many cases the people even have to face some sort of expense that he never expected. This adds to the distress and anguish of the person. But the people who are facing such problems should not give up the situation in vain. There are many people who have a way that they can use to gather the cash that they needed. This can be done by exchanging cash for gold.

What the modern people are looking at?


In this topic we are not talking of those people who have the business of selling large quantities of gold coins. There are many families in New York that have a large collection of gold ornament. These gold jewelries are usually kept in large boxes and stored in the attic of the house. They don’t get the chance to see the light of the sun for many years. The jewelries mostly contain bangles, gold rings, necklaces and trinkets.

Many of the traditional families may also have cold coins with them. These things have no other value apart from historical importance. So there is no point over letting these pieces of gold gather dust. The person can sell them off to a person who buy and sell silver and gold ornaments. There are many people who are willing to give cash for gold scrap.

Having fast cash is now easy

Taking cash for gold has become one of the best and fastest methods of raising cash at the time of need. There are many advertisements that come out in the internet or local newspapers. The person who is looking for such a deal will find out that there are many pawn brokers in the market when buy and sell silver and gold for cash. It is a great idea to turn platinum and gold items into cash by visiting one of the nearby pawn brokers.

In many cases the cash for gold scrap can be obtained for only a short time period. When the person pays back the money he gets back the gold and platinum jewelries. The person who sells his gold jewelry to a genuine buyer he gets a very good price for the items.

The idea of selling gold and silver recycling was first started in the New York. Then it gradually spread in various other parts of the world. Thus the number of shops that are buying the ornaments and recycling silver has increased significantly.

Author has an online business of golden jewelry selling website

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in good return. To get other ideas to purchase gold coins

click here

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Extra cash can be easily obtained by selling gold jewelry

CanadaVOTES: NDP candidate David Sparrow in Don Valley West

Friday, October 10, 2008

In an attempt to speak with as many candidates as possible during the 2008 Canadian federal election, Wikinews has talked via email with David Sparrow. Sparrow is a candidate in Ontario’s Don Valley West riding, running under the New Democratic Party (NDP) banner. The riding was set to vote in a by-election on September 22, 2008, following the resignation of John Godfrey, but Stephen Harper’s sudden election call nulled that effort.

Also running in the Toronto riding are Liberal Rob Oliphant, Conservative John Carmichael, Green Georgina Wilcock, and Communist Catherine Holliday.

The following is an interview with Sparrow, conducted via email. The interview is published unedited, as sent to Wikinews.

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Chinese General threatens U.S. with nuclear weapons over possible Taiwan Strait conflict, Beijing downplays comment

Saturday, July 16, 2005

A General in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and dean at the National Defense University in China commented to visiting Hong Kong reporters on Friday that the PLA might use nuclear weapons against the U.S., in a conflict over the Taiwan Strait. “If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition onto the target zone on China’s territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu said to the reporters of the Asian Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times. “We Chinese will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian [in central China]. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds … of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”

U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack called the remarks “highly irresponsible” and “unfortunate”, and expressed the hope that they did not reflect the views of the Chinese government.

Echoing the official Xinhua News Agency, the People’s Republic of China’s Foreign Ministry officials said that Zhu was expressing personal views, and had warned the reporters accordingly, but stated that China would never tolerate “Taiwan independence”. Reportedly, Maj. Gen. Zhu is not directly involved in the formulation of Chinese military strategy.

The U.S. may defend Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act and is currently Taiwan’s largest arms supplier.

Retrieved from “,_Beijing_downplays_comment&oldid=4581087”

Brisbane, Australia Magistrates Court charges two cotton farmers with $20m fraud

Thursday, August 30, 2018

On Tuesday, two officers of cotton farming conglomerate Norman Farming in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia appeared in the Brisbane Magistrates Court for alleged fraud of the government. Queensland Police alleged over the past seven years the farmers submitted fraudulent claims to receive funding from Queensland’s Department of Natural Resources, resulting in an approximately AUD20 million dishonest personal financial gain. The Court laid charges and released the defendants on bail.

According to the results of the investigation by Police, the two men allegedly falsified documents, including invoices, misrepresenting work from contractors as earthwork supposedly in aid of improving water irrigation efficiency. The two allegedly presented farming-related work on their property on six projects as aimed at improving the efficiency of water irrigation at their property near Goondiwindi.

Police arrested the chief executive officer (CEO) of the conglomerate, 43-year-old John Norman, and the conglomerate’s chief financial officer, 53-year-old Stephen Evans. They appeared in Court represented by their lawyers. In the Court they were charged, Norman with six and Evans with four counts of aggravated fraud, Norman with six and Evans with four counts of fraudulently producing or using a false record. Police opposed bail, however the Magistrate released the two on bail conditionally, requiring they surrender their passports.

According to reports by Australian Broadcasting Corporation and The Guardian, neighbours of Norman Farming had complained to the authorities about Norman Farming’s work resulting in excessive removal of floodwater from the McIntyre river, leading to reduced availability of water for the farmers downstream.

Queensland’s Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy provided the funding as a part of its Healthy Head Waters scheme. Detective Inspector Mick Dowie said the Department did not have the authority of police to compel provision of documents, leading to difficulty with verifying the invoices which the two submitted in their application.

Dowie said the investigation took over a year to complete, including analysis of accounting reports.

Retrieved from “,_Australia_Magistrates_Court_charges_two_cotton_farmers_with_$20m_fraud&oldid=4570036”

A Fashionista’s Dream Finding Luxurious Eyewear When Discount Shopping Online}

A Fashionista’s Dream – Finding Luxurious Eyewear When Discount Shopping Online



Be a quirkier fashionista whatever the season is! Know the latest trends in eyewear that fits your style and personality. Everybody definitely wants to have a taste of luxury but unfortunately, for most people, it’s either too difficult or too expensive to achieve. The closest to luxury one can ever reach is through wearing the latest trends in fashion”adorning themselves with the latest accessories, strutting in the latest trendy shoes, and carrying the latest designs in handbags. Sad to say, all these can be quite expensive, too.

Perhaps the greatest accessory that is sure to get you noticed is the perpetually trendy eyewear! Yes, even some of the latest in eyewear designs haven’t pushed past the expensive mark as yet, especially when you go discount shopping online. Sunglasses are just as important as the ensemble you put together; it gives a better overall impression. Moreover, it gives you an air of mystique. No wonder people have been purchasing specs here and there. The decision to buy is not just random; it has to be considered even to the last detail.

So, what can you fashionistas get in as little cost as possible? You get loads! Whether you wish to purchase designer brands or those that are not branded at all when discount shopping online, if you know what there is to know about eyewear, nobody will ever notice the difference!

There are a lot of designs that have been coming out with regards to the latest in fashionable eyewear. Let’s start with the shape. The latest designs in eyewear that are en vogue right now are your oversized sunnies. Fashionistas around world have a preference for this type of eyewear design as it shields enough of the eyes and face without hampering your appearance. You should choose wisely because some of these oversized sunnies can be heavy and can rest on your cheeks if they dont rest properly on your ears and nose. Oversized sunnies that have these qualities can be a nuisance and should be avoided as possible.

Another trend that has evolved is the quality of the lenses designers use for their eyewear. Contrary to past trends, lenses now offer the best protection packed in one single pair of spectacles. Lenses now are polarized and can offer ultraviolet protection to varying degrees. These lenses have now been creatively and cleverly manufactured to meet your varying needs. In sports for instance, tennis players now make use of specialized lenses that have yellow enhancements. This is important in tennis as these sunglasses not only shields your eyes from the glare of the sun, but also make the tennis ball more yellow to aid a player in following it wherever it goes. In winter sports, the same technology has been maximized. But rather than yellow enhancements, these sunglasses have amber lenses or rose lenses that can help you effectively see the slopes in the snow. This is crucial, again because it shields the players eyes from the glare of the sun that might hamper their vision. It would also allow athletes to perform at their peak capacity and at the same time be mindful of their safety. For everyday casual wear, you can choose from a variety of dark tinted glasses or those that have no tint at all. However, dark tinted glasses are more often purchased in the retail market. Or, you can even settle for no lenses at all! Yes, the latest and craziest trend in eyewear has just released a new line of sunglasses that have no lenses at all. This type of glasses used to be a trend in the later centuries and now they are back to make a statement. You would have to go to a specialty optical store for these babies, however, because they are usually custom made.

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India records 14 millionth case of COVID-19 amid new surge in infections

Sunday, April 18, 2021

According to multiple reports, India recorded its 14 millionth case of COVID-19 and new infections of over 200 thousand on Thursday, causing multiple hospitals running on full capacity.

The 200739 new infections is twice what was seen during its last peak in September, rising after the superspreading events such as political rallies in local and state elections and religious events, official complacency and highly infectious new variants of the virus. According to Reuters, the government blamed wilful disregard of social distancing measures and face mask mandates. A Railway Protection Force officer told The Telegraph (Kolkata) “[t]he number of unmasked passengers was much more last month. The renewed surge in Covid numbers has triggered some caution but many are still without masks.”

According to CNBC, India overtook Brazil as the second-most infected country on April 12, though still behind the United States. The new strain has forced hospitals into drastic measures, including two or three patients sharing a bed at Lok Nayak Hospital and converting over a dozen hotels and banquet halls in New Delhi into COVID-19 treatment centres. The states Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat among others have reported a shortage of oxygen; India Today reported on the Ahmedabad Medical Association pleading the state government for oxygen, writing to Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani “[i]f such conditions persist, the death toll will rise, violence against doctors will increase and doctors will be forced to shut down their hospitals due to lack of oxygen supply”.

Nationally, the government has shifted its focus from vaccine exporting to domestic production, entering 114 million jabs in peoples’ arms — the third-most, behind the US and China — and three million on Wednesday after recently approving for emergency use its third vaccine: Russia-developed Sputnik V. The government maintains there is not an oxygen shortage and that the primary issue with distributing inoculations to states is over-planning, not a supply shortage.

New Delhi announced stay-at-home orders and shuttered restaurants, malls, gyms and spas, with an exception for movie theatres at limited times and at limited capacity. Mumbai went further Wednesday, closing most industries, businesses and public places and restricting movement of people amidst a surge of labourers to the city. In addition to many cities and towns, the epicentral city of Maharashtra imposed a curfew, with only essential services open between 8pm and 7am. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class 10 exams have been cancelled, and Class 12 exams postponed.

There has also been 1038 new deaths, adding to the total death count of over 173 thousand and putting a strain on local cremation centres and burial grounds. It remains fourth in its death count after the US, Brazil and Mexico.

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