Cosmetic Surgery

Little Known Stress Management Tips &Amp; Techniques: How To Relax More &Amp; Worry Less

By Stephen Rhodes

What is Stress?

To understand the need for stress management, we must first understand stress. When a person is in danger, the body reacts, preparing to defend itself. The heart rate increases, blood pressure climbs higher, breathing becomes faster and blood flows to the muscles. This is great if a fierce dog is chasing you, because it gives you additional energy to get out of harm’s way. Unfortunately, the body reacts in the same way in response to daily problems and changes and over time this causes issues. Your body is ready to flee, but you don’t need an extra spurt of speed. With no way to release this additional energy, you become nervous, anxious and worried. This is called stress.

Physical issues such as an illness, lack of sleep or eating poorly can cause stress. Stress can also be caused by mental pressures like worrying about work or a death in the family. Major life changes can also cause stress. Not only negative changes such as being laid off from a job, but changes that are considered positive as well, such as a marriage or a promotion at work can result in stress.

What Problems are Associated with Stress?

Stress management can help with the physical effects of stress. Stress can cause a number of health problems and can make existing problems worse. Fatigue, back pain, depression, high blood pressure, insomnia, headaches and constipation are just some of the signs of stress.

Stress Management Techniques


Stress management is the process of dealing with stress and lessening its negative effects.

To effectively deal with stress, it is necessary to sense when you are feeling stress. Next, you must determine what is causing the stress. This will be different for each individual. For example, one person might consider the daily commute a great time to wind down from work and listen to relaxing music in the car, while another finds the rush hour traffic incredibly stressful.

Once you have recognized the cause of the stress, see if you can get away from it or avoid it completely. If that is not possible, consider ways to lessen your exposure to the stressor. For example, can you spend less time engaging in a stressful activity? Can you limit the activity to certain days?

Think about your emotional reaction to stress. Do you try to perform every task perfectly? Are you trying to keep everyone happy? These attitudes are bound to cause stress when you fail to live up to your own expectations. In the name of stress management, take it easier on yourself, ask for help if you need it and recognize that no one is perfect.

Exercising regularly is a great stress management technique. The physical activity releases pent-up energy and distracts you from your anxiety, helping you to relax.

Other Stress Management Tips

– Get plenty of sleep every night

– Get away from stressful situations by participating in hobbies and other activities you enjoy

– Prepare well in advance for stressful events

– Meditate or use deep breathing exercises

– Eat healthy, nutritious meals and limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine you consume

– Manage time wisely and don’t take on more than you can handle

– Ask for help if you need it

– Learn conflict resolution skills and use them

About the Author: WANT MORE STRESS MANAGAMENT TIPS? Learn little known secrets of relaxation at our stress management resource site — Your one-stop-shop for stress management! If your health and happiness are important, visit our site now!


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Controversial cancer test gains support

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Some cancer specialists have stepped up calls for smokers and ex-smokers to undergo advanced screening for lung cancer . They reacted to the recent deaths of Peter Jennings and Barbara Bel Geddes and the disclosure that Dana Reeve has lung cancer by urging people to have their lungs screened with special helical CT chest scans.

Because health insurance plans do not cover such screening, anxious patients who can afford it are paying about $300 for the test out of pocket. The American Cancer Society discourages using the advanced CT scan technique for screening because doctors do not yet know how to interpret findings of small lesions. A helical scan can show lumps as small as 2 millimetres in diameter, but doctors do not know what to make of such lesions. The tumors may not actually be cancerous, and even small cancers may spontaneously remit or may grow so slowly that surgery, radiation or chemotherapy would do far more harm than good. Preliminary results of a large ongoing study, expected within a year, may provide tentative guidelines on when to perform a biopsy and when CT screening would be worthwhile.

Smoking one pack of cigarettes daily for 20 years or more brings a 50 percent chance of dying from lung cancer. For any smoker, 10 years of abstinence cuts the risk in half. Women are more vulnerable than men even if they don’t smoke. Environmental pollutants work with smoking to increase risk. People with affected parents or siblings are 2–3 times more likely to fall ill with lung cancer. A malignant tumor can grow silently for years. In the United States by the time it is recognized a lung cancer has spread in 3 out of 4 patients. Routine chest X-ray screening does not improve survival rate. Although patients treated after their lung cancer has shown up in a highly sensitive helical (also called “spiral”) CT scan are much more likely to survive, this may only be because small cancers grow very slowly or would cause no trouble even without treatment.

On the other hand, some cancer experts already strongly support performing the screening. They point out that prompt treatment of lung cancer clearly improves prognosis and that an equivocal scan can be repeated after some months to see if a lesion has enlarged. Furthermore, a decision not to wait for conclusive science but to undergo a helical scan would be supported by consideration of a patient’s age, family history, history of smoking and other risk factors. Annual scanning has been recommended for people over age 50 who have smoked 1 pack daily for 30 years or 2 packs for 15 and who also have a known lung condition.

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Google launches Google Mars

Monday, March 13, 2006

If you thought Google Maps, Google Earth and Google Moon was enough, then meet Google Mars.

Google officially launched the new Google Mars yesterday as another add-on to Google Maps. The service offers three different ways to view Mars: elevation, visible landscape, and infrared view. The images come from two different NASA missions, Mars Global Surveyor and 2001 Mars Odyssey, and the data was prepared in collaboration with NASA researchers at Arizona State University.

The color-coded elevation data is a shaded-relief map taken by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. The visible data is made from black and white images taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), which is also located onboard the Mars Global Surveyor, and the infrared images were produced by the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) on NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft. The THEMIS data is the sharpest map of Mars made so far, as it shows colder areas in darker colors and warmer regions in brighter colors, and as they are infrared images dust and clouds are transparent.

Google has added various bookmarks showing points of interest such as landings of spacecraft, locations of mountains, and craters.

The data is not currently available through Google’s Google Earth client.

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Home Care Services

Plumbing Care Tips From An Experienced Plumber In Murrieta


For most of us, maintaining the condition of our homes is not an easy task, and especially not for those who aren’t very handy with the tools. Trying to troubleshoot and correct even minor problems can seem like an overwhelming proposition, so homeowners tend to either panic over every little issue and call a professional immediately, or ignore everything and hope the creaks and leaks go away and resolve on their own. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, you’re not alone, and that’s why one plumber Murrieta has created a checklist for rookie handymen (and women!) to help simplify the process of maintaining the integrity of the home as well as to identify when to call in the experts.

As one of the most vital components of a house, keeping your plumbing system in top condition is absolutely essential for maximum performance and minimal frustration. The fastest way to create chaos within your home’s structure and drain your bank account is to allow issues to build up within the pipes and ignore the problem until it causes a total system breakdown. Instead, make a point of monitoring the drains in your home for ease of flow and voiding. If you notice a sink that tends to drain more slowly or is backing up, pour some baking soda and white vinegar down the drain and allow it to sit for ten to fifteen minutes before pouring a pot of boiling water after it. This will help cut through the grease and fat that can build up on the sides of the pipes and create blockages, allowing water and other liquid waste to move through freely. Once a month, do a thorough check of the pipes in your home and watch for any obvious leaks or damp spots that may need to be addressed. Issues that require more than a dose of vinegar and baking soda or the use of a plunger should be handled by a professional local plumber Murrieta.

Your home is typically the biggest investment of your lifetime, so make the effort to take care of it. Monitor the status of your home’s pipes on a monthly basis and don’t be afraid to call in your local plumber Murrieta when the job is just too big.

To learn more about how to find the professional plumber in Murrieta, visit

At least 26 killed in another Brazil prison riot

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

In the latest of a series of prison riots in prisons across Brazil, dozens of inmates, mostly rival gangs, were reported dead at the State Penitentiary of Alcaçuz, a state prison located in Natal, the capital of the Brazilian state, Rio Grande do Norte. Reports vary but, as of Sunday, the death toll may have reached 26. According to the BBC, this figure is triple the initial reports.

Prison authorities said that some victims were decapitated. Prison coordinator Zemilton Silva witnessed this happen to three men, and forensic report that there have been more.

The Ministry of Justice and state-run news outlet Agência Brasil said the latest riot started at around 5:00 p.m., local time, on Saturday. It continued until the security forces quelled the riot on Sunday at around 7:15 a.m..

Agence France Presse (AFP) and Rio de Janeiro newspaper O Globo report that the gang members of the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) and Comando Vermelho were the latest riot’s participants. CNN reports that its participants were PCC and Sindicato do Crime do RN. The gangs had been housed in separate parts of the prison. Six of the ringleaders have been captured and sent to other facilities. Like other riots this year, overcrowding may have contributed to the latest riot. According to Brazil’s justice department, the Alcaçuz prison houses more than 1,000 inmates on a capacity of 620.

Reports about authorities killed or injured in the riots are not yet confirmed, says the BBC.

O Globo also reported that one inmate attempted to escape but was quickly recaptured. No other inmates have been reported missing, but nine injured inmates were sent to hospital.

O Globo says the cause of the riot was drug-related. PCC and Comando Vermelho cooperated on drug trade from mid-1990s to reportedly summer 2016. Their split led Comando Vermelho to team up with five other gang organizations “to counter the PCC’s growing might.”

The Alcaçuz prison riot is part of a series of Brazilian prison riots this year. At least 100 inmates died in this month’s previous two riots, one in Amazonas and another in Roraima. The Amazonas prison riot on January 1–2 resulted in at least 56 killed inmates, of whom many were beheaded and dismembered. The Roraima riot on January 6 resulted in at least 33 killed, of whom many were disembowelled.

In the wake of this year’s riots, the Brazilian President Michel Temer announced to Reuters yesterday a plan, under joint cooperation of state and federal governments, to build nearly thirty prisons by 2018, including “five maximum security prisons to house the most violent convicts,” and to create intelligence units in effort to counter the influence of powerful inmates. Temer announced more than one billion Brazilian reals (US$309 million) as the budget of the plan.

However, human rights activists and experts were skeptical about building more prisons. Camila Nunes, a sociologist of the Federal University of ABC, told the AFP “medium- and long-term policies to reduce the vulnerability of certain social groups [and] to prioritize prevention rather than repression” are needed.

Reuters reported Alexandre de Moraes, minister of the Justice Department, recently authorized the state of Rio Grande do Norte to spend 13 million Brazilian reals to upgrade and expand prison equipment. De Moraes promised to prevent more prison riots by increasing funds and prison security.

Meanwhile, Luiz Alberto Cartaxo, the prison chief for the southern Paraná state, said an explosion on Sunday broke a guarding wall of a Piraquara prison, prompting at least 21 inmates to escape. Cartaxo also reported that two other inmates were killed by police during their escape attempt.

A 2014 report by Brazil’s justice department analyzes the statistics of the nation’s prison population. The country has more than 622,000 inmates, mostly young black men, exceeding the capacity by at least 50 percent. Brazil is placed fourth in the world’s largest prison population, surpassed by the respective numbers of those in the United States, in China, and in Russia.

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Wikinews interviews Joe Schriner, Independent U.S. presidential candidate

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Journalist, counselor, painter, and US 2012 Presidential candidate Joe Schriner of Cleveland, Ohio took some time to discuss his campaign with Wikinews in an interview.

Schriner previously ran for president in 2000, 2004, and 2008, but failed to gain much traction in the races. He announced his candidacy for the 2012 race immediately following the 2008 election. Schriner refers to himself as the “Average Joe” candidate, and advocates a pro-life and pro-environmentalist platform. He has been the subject of numerous newspaper articles, and has published public policy papers exploring solutions to American issues.

Wikinews reporter William Saturn? talks with Schriner and discusses his campaign.

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US unemployment rate down to ten percent

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday that unemployment in the country edged down from 10.2% to 10% in November, with fewer jobs lost in the previous two months than anticipated. The latest monthly figure was discussed at a congressional hearing yesterday as president Barack Obama welcomed the news but said he is still not satisfied.

At a hearing of the bipartisan Joint Economic Committee at the Senate, lawmakers from both major US political parties cited the November unemployment figure as welcome progress. However, they also noted the economic pain many of their constituents are still feeling in an economy struggling with deep recession.

Senator Amy Klobuchar, a Minnesota Democrat, said Americans at all levels, but notably the middle class, continue to struggle. “While parts of our economy are clearly stabilizing, with the Dow Jones over 10,000 again, it is clear that other parts of the economy are still struggling. We need to make sure that all Americans, not just the folks who happen to work on Wall Street, feel that we are digging ourselves out of the hole,” she commented.

Despite a generally upward trend in recent months on Wall Street, Obama, administration officials, and economists continue to caution that employment will lag behind other indicators of economic recovery.

Keith Hall, Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, said the November figure, which still represents 15.4 million Americans out of work, is the lowest monthly job loss since the official beginning of the US recession in December 2007, and follows moderating figures in three previous months.

But in an economy that has lost jobs for 23 consecutive months, Hall noted that long-term unemployed continued to grow, rising by 293,000 to 5.9 million, with little change in the number of Americans employed part-time but seeking full-time work.

Democrat Carolyn Maloney asked him about economist’s predictions that it would take 10.7 million jobs created to return the country to full employment. “Well, without offering an opinion on that 10.7 million jobs, at that rate though, it would be about three years,” said Mr. Hall.

Opposition Republicans responded to the latest figures by focusing on specific sectors that continue to lag and renewing their assertions that steps President Obama has taken since he came to office, such as the $787 billion stimulus, have had little impact on the economy.

Kevin Brady is the Republican co-chair of the committee. He said while the November figures are good news, there is not much more to celebrate.”We can’t celebrate a 10 percent unemployment rate, especially when the long-term unemployment continues to grow in very troubling numbers.”

But Maryland Democrat Elijah Cummings noted what he called a major improvement with job losses going from 700,000 per month at the start of the recession to 11,000 in November. “The report we received this morning is a clear indicator that the economy is slowly returning to growth,” he said.

In an appearance in Allentown, Pennsylvania on Friday, Obama called the jobs figure “modestly encouraging”, but noted that he will not be satisfied until there is sustained significant improvement. “We have still got a long way to go. I consider one job loss one job too many and as I said yesterday at a jobs conference in Washington. Good trends don’t pay the rent. We have got to actually grow jobs and get America back to work as quickly as we can,” he said.

The president had held a so-called jobs summit at the White House this week seeking support from business and union leaders for his economic recovery efforts.

Republicans responded with their own event on Capitol Hill, where economists such as Douglas Holtz Eakin, the former adviser to Senator John McCain who lost the 2008 election to Obama, questioned his approach to recovery. “Job creation in the United States is something that small businesses, entrepreneurs and the private sector will do but they cannot do it if they are burdened by a legacy of debt and the prospect of higher taxes to pay off that debt and that is the most troubling aspect of the policies this administration is pursuing,” he said.

In testimony to Congress this week, US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke agreed with economists who caution that despite hopeful predictions of moderately strong economic growth unemployment is likely to remain high well into 2010.

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Office Furniture

Vanity Units For Bathroom Storage

Submitted by: Amaan Goyal

Vanity units are perfect for those family members who share a bathroom and find it difficult to store their beauty products within that space. Most units not only offer extra storage but also come attached with mirrors. However, there are certain tips that you should keep in mind before purchasing or constructing one or several vanity units for bathroom storage. The added research will not only make it easier for you to make a choice but also ensure that the product lasts for a longer period of time.

The first thing you should keep in mind is that vanity units are available in many sizes, styles and shapes. This means that no matter what your needs and preferences are, you will be able to find a unit that meets your standards. However, because of the sheer volume of stocks, it is quite frustrating to make a balanced decision and this is when every family member s opinion becomes important. If you have a large family, double vanity units for bathroom storage are the safest bet because the space is enhanced and the number of mirrors is increased.


The design of the vanity unit is as important because it determines how much space you will be able to utilize. The most popular styles are the simplest ones because they blend in with any theme and are quite practical. There are other styles of course, but they change as the trends change and if you are one to change with them, you should be ready to spend a lot of money. Therefore, the tip here to list out all your priorities and then make a decision. Once that is done, select the style that matches the overall look of your bathroom. If you are getting a unit constructed, ask the company to include extra drawers, stands and shelves with the help of which you will be able to reach its complete potential. That being said, instead of selecting a large vanity unit which will end up destroying the entire purpose because it will take up a lot of space, find one that is both compact and sensible.

The third tip to keep in mind is that when you are selecting the size of the vanity unit; always opt for one that covers more space than you initially planned. This way the future needs of your family will be taken care of because while one can deal with more, less space can be quite frustrating. However do not go overboard and cover an entire wall with shelves and cabinets- you will end up spending too much money and the bathroom will look even smaller than before.

Vanity units for bathroom storage are practical, useful and convenient- you can remove all the clutter from your bathroom without having to throw away precious cosmetics or beauty products. A medium sized cabinet with about three spacious shelves is enough to store a great volume of mess and keep your bathroom looking neat and tidy. Lastly, if you are finding it difficult to choose the right unit for yourself or your family, log onto the internet and find all your answers.

About the Author:

Vanity units

are perfect for those family members who share a


and find it difficult to store their beauty products within that space. Most units not only offer extra storage but also come attached with mirrors.


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Home destroyed by fire in Geneva, Florida

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A mobile home in Seminole County, Florida burned down last night, leaving a man and his dog homeless. The cause of the blaze was determined as accidental.

Firefighters were alerted to a fire in a wooded area of Geneva at around 11 pm local time (0400 UTC) last night. By the time they reached the scene the house had already been destroyed and a brush fire had been started. It took them about two hours to extinguish the fire which engulfed the house and it took about 40 minutes to contain the brush fire. To combat the brush fire the Seminole fire department had to bring out equipment normally used to combat forest fires.

Firefighters were still on the scene up to eight hours later to ensure that the fire did not reignite. The man and his dog escaped from the house, however the man did sustain minor injuries. The Red Cross will assist the man with food, shelter and clothing for a few days.

A State Fire Marshal office investigator revealed that the fire was accidental and was caused by an unattended grill which ignited the house and subsequently the woods.

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Chef who appeared on Gordon Ramsay’s ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ commits suicide

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Joseph Cerniglia, a chef who had appeared on Gordon Ramsay’s television show Kitchen Nightmares, has commited suicide. Cerniglia was the owner of Italian restaurant Campania. He jumped off a bridge into the Hudson river on the New York–New Jersey border. At the time of filming in 2007, Cerniglia owed suppliers $80,000.

Officials reported that 39-year-old Cerniglia had jumped off of the George Washington Bridge into the Hudson. His death has officially been ruled as suicide. His body was retrieved from the river after reports of a man jumping off of the bridge.

Ramsay released a statement to the Press Association saying “I was fortunate to spend time with Joe during the first season of Kitchen Nightmares. Joe was a brilliant chef, and our thoughts go out to his family, friends and staff.”

Cerniglia told Ramsay about his personal debt when he came to the restaurant in 2007. He said “I am financially in trouble. The debt of the restaurant alone is overwhelming. My personal debt — wife, kids, mortgage — that’s a lot of debt”.

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